

Friday 26 April 2013

Stella Damasus speaks + more surprise birthday photos

The newly married actress wrote this on her blog yesterday afternoon and shared more photos from her birthday party. See her blog post below...
I have Been trending for the past two days now. Day one was about people wishing me well and praying for me on my birthday. Day two is now filled with gossip, scandals and all sorts, but that is as far as the so called journalists and bloggers are concerned. As far as I am concerned I had a blast on my birthday and I will not allow other human beings steal my joy regardless.
I choose to enjoy my life because I know I deserve it. Nobody went through my own trying times with me and I did not go through any with others.
More when you continue...

When God decides to bless me, turn my mourning to dancing, turn my tears to laughter and turn my anger to happiness, no man on earth can change it or spoil it.

Truth is, I laughed when I saw some of the blogs and websites quoting and saying things they know absolutely nothing about. Writing things they have heard without concrete evidence, ghosts that cannot show their faces and ask direct questions. But they believe and think that they can wake up one day and decide people's fate and destiny. Unfortunately they are made to feel important because people hate to read  positive things and achievements, but give them juicy gossip and all of a sudden you become the most popular writer who has gist on everybody.

I realized that when I write blogs and articles about important information, encouragement, education and positive things, only twenty percent out of a hundred actually read it and leave comments. The other eighty percent jump at the gossip and scandals and then start to ask me stupid questions. These are people who have not communicated with me in ages but all of a sudden they feel the need to profess undying friendship and a listening ear. The fact that they believe I have the time or energy to respond to the most trivial issues baffles me.

Let me repeat myself in case some of these people missed it. "I really do not care what you say or write, the truth is who God has blessed no man can curse" , and if you believe that trying to turn a wonderful birthday  into a global gossip game will make me feel bad then I am so sorry this Stella is not as stupid as you think"

For those who want to really see pictures to satisfy their curiosity, please enjoy.


Thursday 25 April 2013

Photos: Actress Chika Ike shaves hair for N5 million

Actress Chika Ike got N5 million to shave her hair in a new movie titled Moments of Tears. She shaved her hair on set yesterday. See more photos after the cut...

Checkout a cross section of Peter Okoye's living room

 He shared this photo with the caption "Home sweet home...."Nice

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Jay Z Linked to Satanic Sex Cult - Ordo Templi Orientis

There's a new claim that Jay Z is a devotee of the satanic sex cult, Ordo Templi Orientis, founded by Aleister Crowley (pictured right). The things you hear! I'm not convinced though but read and reach your own conclusions....

From The Daily Mail
Ordo Templi Orientis founding 'prophet' Aleister Crowley, who was born into an upper-class British family in 1875, styled himself as 'the Great Beast 666'. He was an unabashed occultist who, prior to his death in 1947, reveled in his infamy as 'the wickedest man in the world'.
His form of worship involved sadomasochistic sex rituals with men and women, spells which he claimed could raise malevolent gods and the use of hard drugs, including opium, cocaine, heroin and mescaline. Crowley’s motto — perpetuated by OTO — was 'do what thou wilt'. And it is this individualistic approach that has led to a lasting fascination among artists and celebrities.
…celebrities linked to OTO include the rapper Jay-Z, who has repeatedly purloined imagery and quotations from Aleister Crowley.
Whether wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with 'Do what thou wilt' or hiring Rihanna to hold aloft a flaming torch in his music videos (a reference to the Illuminati, an outlawed secret society whose name supposedly derives from Lucifer, or 'light bringer'), he has given the sect priceless publicity.
His clothing line, Rocawear, is shot through with OTO imagery such as the 'all seeing eye' in a triangle, the 'eye of Horus' (an ancient Egyptian symbol frequently referenced in occult texts) and the head of Baphomet (the horned, androgynous idol of Western occultism).
Some conspiracy theorists have seized on this as evidence that he is a member of a secret Masonic movement which they believe permeates the highest levels of business and government.
Others take a more pragmatic view: that it is commercial opportunism, cashing in on impressionable teens’ attraction to the 'edginess' of occult symbolism.

Former Super Eagles Captain, Segun Odegbami, set to launch book

Chief Segun Odegbami popularly known as the "Mathematical", an ex international football player, former super eagles captain, 1 goal ambassador, Ambassador for sports would on the 2nd of May, 2013 be launching his book titled " Me, Football and More".

The event has been scheduled to take a place in 15 states cut across Nigeria starting from Lagos on the 2nd of May at the anchor event place, Ikeja, Lagos.

Nigerian girls sold into sex slavery & trapped in Italy's sex-slave trade

Naples mafiosi were convicted last week of forcing a Nigerian cancer patient, Lilian Solomon, into prostitution. The situation is worse that we think. Read a report from Daily Beast about how Nigerian girls, as young as 13, are sold and forced into sex slavery in Italy...
Across Italy, Nigerian women are forced into the sex trade, essentially kept as slaves who are bought and sold and moved according to a moribund supply and demand. Some of the prostitutes are young girls, just 13 or 14 years old. Others are in their 20s or 30s. Many have children. Some are still married to men in Nigeria. They usually sit on white plastic chairs under umbrellas to protect them from the rain in the winter and the harsh sun in the summer. 
The highest concentration of Nigerian forced sex workers is in and around Naples, but they are not limited to the southern reaches. On Thursday, in the central region of Abruzzo, four Nigerian gang members and an Italian taxi driver who allegedly procured prostitutes across the country were sentenced to between nine and 15 years in prison for making 23-year-old Nigerian Lilian Solomon prostitute herself even though she was in the late stages of lymphoma cancer.

Friends plan big for Fred Amata @50

Actor, producer and director, Fred Amata will turn 50 in a few weeks and in celebration of that, friends of the actor have initiated activities to celebrate him. It will include:

A celebrity charity challenge which will be a novelty football match where a select team of Nollywood  stars, actors, musicians, comedians TV&Radio  personalities, challenge, the 1994 nations cup winning Super Eagles team  Kanu Nwankwo, J Jay Okocha and other eagles players to 'Soccertainment' for charity.

This is will be followed by a White Tie Charity Dinner at the Muson Centre on de 18th of may, where variety performances and excerpts from Fred Agbeyegbe's stage play "The King Must Dance Naked" will be performed by Fred Amata and an ensemble cast including, Nobert Young, Kate Henshaw Segun Arinze, Keppy Ekpeyoung Bassey, Bimbo Manuel, Bimbo Akintola, and chidi Mokeme

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Photos: Bishop Oyedepo opens mega church auditorium in Kenya

Bishop David Oyedepo of Living Faith Church and his wife were in Kenya this past Saturday April 20th to officially open Winner's Chapel Church Auditorium located in Likoni Road in Kenya. The auditorium is said to be the largest church auditorium in East and Central's a 15, 000 sitting capacity auditorium. The Deputy president of the country was the chief guest at the opening.

Whats up with Jim Iyke &Nadia Buari? checkout this pics

The gorgeous pair have been spotted together a couple of times.This time,she was his date at his Unscripted Premier.
I say they look good together.maybe our own Jayz and Beyonce....remember they acted in a movie called Beyonce &Rihanna,Jim was Jayz and Nadia was the