

Friday 16 May 2014

chris okotie writes on chibok girls, Boko Haram and int'l aid

Chris Okotie writes on Boko Haram, Chibok girls and Int'l assistance

Former Presidential aspirant and Head Pastor of the Household of God Church Pastor Chris Okotie today May 14th posted an article he wrote on the missing Chibok Girls, state of the nation and the international help Nigeria is receiving in the fight against Boko Haram, on his Facebook page.

In the interesting piece, Rev Okotie said Nigeria should not accept help from Israel to avoid Islamizing the terror war because of Israel's long drawn conflict with the Arab nations with whom our predominantly northern brothers share a common faith. See the article below
"In modern times, apart from Adolf Hitler’s Holocaust which killed an estimated six million Jews; the more recent ethnic cleansing in the Balkans and the Rwandan versions, no other massacre of the innocent surpasses the Boko Haram killings in brutality. These guys have kidnapped a part of this nation. We need a new strategy to rescue it. Thank God, First World leaders with experience and proven competence in counter-insurgency have responded to President Goodluck Jonathan’s call for assistance.
What makes Boko Haram’s case puzzling is that the group targets its own people, and especially weak demographic groups like women and children that are normally spared, along with civilian populations, in conventional warfare. Although, terrorists hardly respect this convention, even groups like Al-Qaeda do not attack their own people, expect where they establish a case of betrayal by fifth columnists within their ranks.
The unbelievable cruelty of the Boko Haram insurgents as evidenced by the recent abduction of more than 200 girls in a school hostel in Chibok, Bornu State ordinarily would have shocked the sponsors of the Islamists, if they have human hearts in their chests. Nothing suggests that they do, otherwise, they’d have called the fighters they unleashed on this nation to order.

At the time of writing the United States, Britain, France and China had pledged support for Nigeria’s efforts to help track Boko Harm and rescue these defenseless girls. This has given hope to Nigerians that, at last, a greater, more realistic action is in the offing.
It may be too late for the falcons to hear the falconer. If you ride the back of the tiger to power, it would devour you if it has nothing more to eat. That is the case of Boko Haram. Those who use the hoodlums to rig themselves to power abandoned them when they finally left power.

Then, the thugs, abandoned to their own devices were hijacked by politicians of diverse tendencies, and pseudo-Islamic militants, who use the renal youths to pursue dubious objectives. As disparate criminal elements infiltrated the group, it became amorphous, leaderless and difficult to control.
The killing of the original leader of Boko Haram, Mohammed Yusuf allegedly in police custody provoked the initial reprisal attacks against the police. Gradually, other targets were being hit. As the sect made headlines it attracted jihadist partners from neighbouring countries like Chad, Niger, Sudan and Mali. Arms from the failing state of Libya after the death of Col. Maummar Ghadaffi fell into the hands of these mercenaries, who have strengthened Boko Haram, to the extent that members of the terror group are now strong enough to frustrate our army.

That is why arms and ammunitions captured by Nigerian security forces from Boko Haram fighters appear to be more sophisticated than those our soldiers use against them. We must understand the forces we are dealing with before we could defeat them.

It is doubtful if the terrorists have a well structured command and control system like Al-Shabab of Somalia or Al-Qaeda – in the – Islamic Maghreb, which almost over-ran the Malian government, before they were stopped by an African intervention force led by French troops.
If we must destroy Boko Haram, we need foreign help in the shape of highly sophisticated intelligence which the aforementioned Western powers who have experience in combating global terrorism have started offering. Some of their personnel are already here; but the President must act with greater decisiveness on this terror war. We need help from anywhere we can get it except Israel. Israel is out of it to avoid Islamisizing the terror war because of the former’s long drawn conflict with the Arab nations, with whom our predominantly northern brothers share a common faith.

Therefore, we must carefully select our foreign partners in the war against Boko Haram to avoid introducing international rivalries into it. President Goodluck Jonathan should summon the political will. With foreign help we could fish out the sponsors of the terrorists, and pre-empt the attacks before they are launched. The kidnapping of those young girls at Chibok has set a world record; it is a monumental disgrace, it strikes at the soul of our nation.

As it were, Nigeria has been kidnapped. At no time in our checkered history did we live like this, in perpetual fear of being attacked by criminal elements who are now on the prowl across the nation. For the first time, armed groups are laying siege on our military installations; invading army barracks and police formations, leaving heavy casualties in their trail. They appear capable of engaging our last line of defense as hit and run urban gorillas.

Now, after the failure of every trick in our books, we obviously have no answer to Boko Haram. We thought the terrorists have been dislodged permanently from Abuja and restricted to just the three North Eastern States of Bornu, Yobe and Adamawa, until the two recent Nyanya bombings. Chibok, which capped this brazen assault is a terrifying reality. How a group could abduct more than 200 girls from their school in an operation that required huge logistics, without being detected in an area where a State of Emergency is in force, is amazing. Nobody knows where they’d strike next, except the terrorists themselves.

This recurrent circle of condemnation after a strike and visits by the President or top government functionaries to bombed sites has continued for too long. While this may be a painful imperative for our leaders, what is lacking is a strategy to seriously decapitate the terrorists to such a point that their strike capability is completely destroyed. Effective intelligence could stop the terrorists in their tracks, while a swift, well organized counter-insurgency operation could annihilate them completely.
So far, we have not succeeded in containing the terrorists because, either our security forces are ill-equipped, incapable for some reasons, or are over-stretched to police the vast area they are supposed to cover. The Chibok tragedy and the frequent attacks on soft targets like motor parks, worship centres, markets and academic institutions ought to be prevented by the military authorities, because we all know that is the stock-in-trade of Boko Haram. Nobody should claim ignorance of the history of these attacks on such targets.

Boko Haram is a special problem in our country, and we require a special arrangement to move ahead of their logistics to nip them in the bud. Aside international assistance as earlier mentioned, localized knowledge of the terrains is an important factor. We have enough Para-military forces, which could be deployed to compliment efforts by our armed services, to provide adequate security coverage for our nation. There’s nothing wrong if we incorporate our ethnic militias and vigilante groups in this security arrangement because the nation is at war. And anyone, except the terrorists, could be a victim. When a nation is kidnapped, no effort should be spared to rescue it. So that’s why I join the rest of the world in saying: Bring Back Our Girls Now!

Rev. Okotie, a Presidential Aspirant, wrote from Lagos.

Thursday 15 May 2014

the times of London mocks president Jonathan with cartoon

When you go to their website, this is the main pic you will see there...drawn by The Times' political cartoonist, Peter Brookes.

54 abducted chibok girls identified by parents inBoko Haram video

54 out of the 130 girls shown in the 27minutes video released by Boko Haram yesterday, May 12th, have been identified by their parents, Premium Times reports

In a video viewing session which took place at the office of the Chief of Staff to Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno State, the video was played before some of the parents of the girls abducted, teachers, security officers, female students which included some of the girls who escaped from the abductors. With their help, some of the girls shown in the video were identified by their names. The viewing session took place at about 2pm today.

In a press statement issued by Governor Kashim Shettima’s Adviser on media, Isa Gusau, he said the exercise is still ongoing and would involve other parents as well as other students. See the names of the 54 identified missing school girls after the cut...

First the press statement...
"Borno State Governor, Kashim Shettima has confirmed that young girls shown in a video released by the Boko Haram sect, are part of schoolgirls abducted at Government Secondary School Chibok following a night attack on April 14,2014”, said Mr. Gusau. Fifty four of the girls of the video have been identified by their names at an exercise that involved some parents of the girls, fellow students that include escapees from abduction, some teachers, security men and some officials of the Borno State Government led by the Chief of Staff to the Government House, Abubakar Kyari. The parents and students were conveyed to the Government House in Maiduguri to make for an open identification exercise. The names are currently being compared with school records as well as names published some days back to ensure accuracy. The exercise continues at the Government House and it is hoped that more names will be established by parents, students and teachers as well as management of the affected school”. 

caleb University students riot

There was serious riot at Caleb University, Imota Lagos yesterday evening. Unconfirmed reports say the riot started when a Muslim student who was saying his prayers was disrupted by one of the porters in the male hostel ... plus other irregular enforced school rules and security misunderstandings. The students went on a rampage destroying school property. The school according to its website is a Christian University. See more photos after the cut...


Tuesday 13 May 2014

PHOTOS;Actress Uche Nnanna finally releases official wedding photos

Nollywood actress Uche Nnanna has released her official wedding photos. She married Spain-based Richard Maduka on April 21st in Port Harcourt.


Monday 12 May 2014

Another Boko Haram member captured in TB joshua's church

Let me just put a disclaimer here...I didn't write this o! :-). Article written by Ihechukwu Njoku - a freelance Nigerian journalist who writes for Synagogue Church. Read his new piece below...

Another member of the dreaded Boko Haram sect allegedly confessed at Nigerian Pastor T.B. Joshua’s church today, stating that he was being paid N2,000,000 to bomb churches.
Nearing the end of the service, during the time Joshua’s ‘Wise Men’ were minisring ‘deliverance’ to people, an aggressive young man dressed in a shabby suit was ushered forward.
“I am one of the Boko Haram,” the man declared to the wise man, clearly under an unusual influence.“They said they would give me N2,000,000 if I went to blow up a church,” the man continued upon questioning as to how he joined the infamous group of insurgents. “Every church would be N2,000,000. They said would be give me big house and a wife.” Continue...
Boko Haram has been the focus of huge international media attention following their claiming responsibility for the kidnapping of over 200 girls several weeks ago.
Queried as to why he came to the church, the man stated, “I have been hearing of T.B. Joshua – that is why I came here.” The wise man then prayed for the man who fell heavily to the ground, before being declared free from the ‘evil spirit’.
Several minutes later, T.B. Joshua himself returned to the service simply clad in jeans and a t-shirt. “I was in the prayer room when I heard the deliverance going on and listened to the confession of this guy. What he was confessing is mind-boggling,” the cleric told the congregation.
Bringing the man back before the congregation, Joshua questioned him further as to how he was initiated into the sect. “My name is Hosea Bulus,” the man began. “They gave me blood; they gave me charms. I took it inside food.”
According to Bulus, upon taking the diabolic ‘blood’, the urge to kill and destroy entered him. “If you talk to me, I will fight you very well,” he confessed.
Joshua emphasised to the congregation that the battle was more spiritual than physical. “One thing you must know – we are fighting evil spirits that steal, kill and destroy. Let us not fight our neighbours.”
He insisted the problem was not a Muslim-Christian issue. “They are using that name as a camouflage, as a cover up,” he stated, adding that no one could bring himself to killing innocent lives without being under the influence of an ‘evil spirit’.
Joshua then prayed for the man, who fell to his knees and immediately complained that he wanted to visit the toilet.
The popular pastor reminded the congregation of the well-publicized deliverance of an alleged Boko Haram member named ‘Mustapha’ two months ago at The SCOAN who stated he came to bomb the church with four accomplices.
He explained that authorities in Abuja have certified the authenticity of his confession, contrary to the statement released by Lagos State Police Commissioner Umar Manko who initially dismissed the claims.
“At the beginning they said it’s not true but the authorities in Abuja came out to confirm that he is truly a Boko Haram member… They are following it up.”
The cleric concluded by stating he would not ask any further questions publicly so as not to undermine the intelligence Hosea would be able to provide to the relevant authorities.
Several minutes later, the man was shown excreting out some blackish substances following the prayer.

Dora Akunyili's health worsens, will be flown abroad

Former NAFDAC Director General and one-time Minister of Information Mrs Dora Akunyili's health has deteriorated according to new reports. Mrs Akunyili, who is a delegate at the on-going national confab (though she hasn't made an appearance for several weeks), was admitted at an undisclosed hospital in Abuja a few days ago after her condition worsened. She became even worse last night and was reportedly instructed by her doctors to seek immediate medical attention abroad. There are reports that she will most likely be flown abroad in the coming days.

Dora Akunyili was recently in the news when she appeared at the National Confab as a delegate looking very pale and a shadow of her old self. She revealed that she had been ill with a life threatening illness but survived it and was declared fit by her doctors to resume her normal life.

According to people close to her, Mrs. Akunyili was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and had spent several months in the US receiving treatment. Please say a prayer for her.

pope francis asks the world to prays for kidnapped chibok girls

this is now a world affair...